Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Just Because. Random photos of Cal and Walker from tonight.


Cal talking about what makes him happy - whale sharks!


Still talking very earnestly about sharks and whale sharks!

Cal's first book report!!

At Greensboro Montessori School, Cal is in a Primary Class with 3-6 year olds. He is in his second year, and will turn five on May 31st. In their third year of Primary, the 5 to 6 year old children start doing book reports. Cal was so excited to see his older friends start doing them, and he came home last night, determined to do one of his own. We didn't know he intended to actually "present" today - and neither did Isabelle and Syeda - his teachers. :) He picked a shark book we have read with him a lot, and he drew three pages of pictures of all the different sharks. He took everything to school this morning with him, and announced to his class, during circle time, that he had a book report. He presented it, and when I visited his classroom later, his friends came running to me to tell me that Cal did a great book report! I could tell he was happy - quietly proud and just listening to his friends tell me how cool it was to hear him talk about the shark book. Isabelle and Syeda later told me how relaxed he was, and how happy he was to share his book report, and his shark facts, with all of his friends. To think about how only a year ago, even just last fall, Cal isolated himself because of his speech, and he could not grip a crayon or pencil at all and had no interest in drawing and writing - yet he drew three pages' worth of sharks last night for his friends to see - it is just amazing to Scott and I and really makes us so happy for Cal. The changes since January alone are incredible, especially the happiness we see in Cal because he is so excited at all the things he feels he can do and the joy he has in expressing himself. Scott and I are truly thankful to have this incredibly sweet boy in our lives, and we have such gratitude for Mr. Carl and Ms. Janet - the Speech and Occupational Therapists who truly have given Cal the gift of confidence in himself. They are just awesome.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Walker. Nature dude. Pondering life.

Nah. Not really. But whatever he is thinking -- he looks cute!!

Cal and Walker ~ our happy little men!

They are one shoe size apart, share the same size clothing, and get closer every day. Of course that means they fight with each other and whine a lot too, but it is still pretty cool and pretty hilarious at the same time. :)

Cal - about to turn five and growing more each day!

Cal is a pretty great kid. He is super cute, super affectionate, and he actually corrects me when I call him "cute" to tell me he is "handsome!" And he is!! In the first photo below, he is obviously thrilled after a music concert with his class at school.

He brought home a caterpillar a few weeks ago from school, and thought it was really cool when it spun a cocoon within two days. Scott and I will never forget when Cal came running excitedly to us to show us his project and tell us that a "chrysalis" had appeared - it was awesome to see how happy and excited he was! On Sunday evening a moth appeared, and Cal was thrilled to see it venture out and test its wings. Pretty cool!

Walker. Guitar Hero. Rock Star

After one fun Saturday evening with friends who have Guitar Hero and play it with their kids, we (okay, I) quickly gave in and picked it up the next time we were at Costco. (Thanks Mom for giving us the Wii in the first place!) :)

We have all become equally addicted to this game, and we play it some evenings after dinner while Cal and Walker each grab their "guitars" and rock out. One of the bottom photos in the collage shows Walker in one of his signature moves - he will jump off the ground at the end of each song for the BIG FINISH. Walker loves to imitate the guitarist as he moves around the stage in the game, and the only move I have not been able to capture on film is when he stops playing suddenly, and with this intense stare, just points out into the audience. Like the true rock star that he is.