Saturday, June 14, 2008

Our future rock star

Sweaty hair? Check.
No shirt? Check.
A bit of a delirious look from all the rocking out? Check.

Nature Boy :)

Cal is taking a camp in June about connecting children with nature. He is so excited about all he is learning about, and we are so excited for him! He is growing grass inside in a cup - this was a gift he made for Scott for Father's Day. He LOVES to be outside in the yard - he helped us to choose all the fruits and vegetables we planted this spring. He is no longer afraid of bugs, because he understands they are part of the landscape and just doing their own thing. When Scott was outside pulling weeds one day, Cal asked him not to "because weeds are part of nature too." :) Cal is simply the sweetest child, and each day is more exciting for us as we see things through his eyes and as he teaches us about things from his perspective.

I know he needs a hair cut...

But Scott and I swear his hair just fits him! His wild hair fits his wild personality, and is just so "Walker." He doesn't like getting his hair cut, at all, so we have not pushed it. This child, so fiercely independent, so decidedly doing his own thing, with his brown eyes and his blond hair, and the sweet little kisses on the nose he will give me when he decides I am worthy - well he just has me wrapped around his little finger. And he knows it. :)

Hippo's new outfit!

Cal, Walker and I arrived home from school yesterday afternoon, to find a beautifully wrapped birthday gift waiting for me from my dear friend, Jennifer. Cal promptly asked me to save the "beautiful ribbon" and upon further consideration, asked for the tissue paper one of my gifts was wrapped in, and the box. He left the room and was back within minutes with his friend Hippo, lovingly adorned in a new dress and ribbon! I took photos, and emailed them to Jennifer and Scott. When Scott asked Cal about Hippo's new outfit later on, Cal responded that Hippo "looked wonderful!" I totally agree Cal. Please save Mommy a seat in the front row when you appear at Fashion Week, okay? Love you!!!